Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Interactive Fiction

 I am getting back into Interactive Fiction and trying to learn Inform 7. This is a placeholder post until I have time to write more about this.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

 RAIN by The Cult is one of the best rock songs of the 80's. I did an AI art challenge posting only lyrics from the song in and seeing what the AI came up with. Link to the collection on Night Cafe.

Thursday, May 09, 2024

I'm doing a challenge on NC for "seasonal" goddess and I used Bing IC for these since uploads were allowed and came up with some really good ones I think.

Here are some stills:





Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Socium Project - Jubilor

The Socium Project was a shared multi-DM fantasy worldbuilding exercise hosted by the Murder Hobo Inc. Youtube channel throughout the entire year of 2022.  Here is the YouTube Playlist for the entire series. Warning, MHI is NSFW and TV-MA rated, so expect adult language, adult topics, and uncomfortable feelies. Sensitive people probably should not watch it.

During this year, I was one of the dungeon masters that helped create the shared world. My two nations were Humany and Jubilor.

Humany is a xenophobic nation of humans who were from another fantasy world that arrived within the last 50 to 100 years in Socium. Humany is mostly humans, and they fear, hate, and enslave other non-human species. So, yeah, not nice.

The other nation is a nice nation, Jubilor, which is primarily elves, a lot of lizard folk, and a smattering of almost every other fantasy race. Jubilor is a democratic meritocracy, military-centric, and a trading center of the region it occupies.

Here are the links to all of my segments where we discuss Jubilor.

Introduction, Socium #4

History, Socium #6

Geography & Culture, Socium #8

Settlements, Socium #10

Famous Leaders, Socium #11

Religion, Socium #15

Magic Items, Socium #19

Festivals & Celebrations, Socium #22

One-Shot Actual-Play D&D Adventure - Long Shadows of Darkwood

(Warning, Rated TV-MA, NSFW, Not Safe For Anyone, Really)

Saturday, April 13, 2024



The name KILLJOY PIXELANTE is meant to be funny overall, and when I came up with the name in 2006, it probably was funny. Killjoy takes the fun out of someone else, and a pixelante is basically a reference to gamers who defended their hobby against attempted censorship. This blog will cover some controversial issues and shed light on the darker side of AI and the information age, so in a sense, the name fits the blog's theme. But mainly I am using this name because I can't think of anything better right now.

Friday, April 12, 2024

The Ring Black and White Horror Challenge Winner

You watched the VHS Tape. The phone rings. A creepy voice tells you, "You will die in seven days."

This is one of the first challenges I won on Night Cafe (a user challenge, to be sure, the official daily ones are insanely competitive). It is my homage to The Ring (2002), one of the scariest horror movies I can remember watching. This movie genuinely scared the crap out of me for some reason. Highly recommend watching it - but DO NOT watch it on VHS!!  :)

Welcome to Killjoy Pixelantes

Welcome to KILLJOY PIXELANTES.  This is going to be a blog about ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, learning machines, big data mining, and other technological wonders of the 2020's. This blog will try to avoid complicated technical discussions, because, that's boring, yo!  What it WILL do is discuss the social impact of these technologies, as we have quickly moved away from the INFORMATION AGE and into a new age of human and machine - the MISINFORMATION AGE.

My first post will also be a BLATANT PLUG for you to check out my profile on Night Cafe, a great place to try experimenting with AI generated artwork creation, for FREE.  Click here to try it!